Best features for on-the-job invoicing and quoting apps for iPhone and Android

We all do it, a quick note no matter how many apps we have!

Jot it, work it, Prov3-IT!

Below are some common features you’ll find in many quoting and estimating apps, whether for iPhone, iPad or Android. Although that there are few apps that can “do it all”—you’ll likely need to find a couple that fit your needs.

Useful App inclusions

Conversion toolsPerform standard mathematical conversions you need to make while on the job. These conversion tools typically cover everything from simple temperature conversions to more complicated maths conversions.
CalculatorsSpecially designed with the app user in mind, these calculate many things from finance interest rates to voltage drops or tide flow.
Reference guides“Cheat sheets” for all. Some apps include handy reference guides for when you’re not sure about a particular formula or need to brush up on, for example, tax lodgment dates or even Ohm’s Law.
Document controlImport documents for viewing in the app, such as PDFs of technical documents, invoices or diagrams.
EstimatingQuickly calculate job estimates that account for labor, time and materials involved.
DiagramsDraw up new diagrams or examine how existing diagrams work. Some apps will allow you to import diagrams and export them to a variety of different file types for use with other software platforms.
Are you a compliance officer? We have own in-house patented method “Do2c” which builds the key support for your decisions and follow-up reports before you need to send someone “on-the-job”.

Whether you use an industry app or the supplied franchise app in your business. They are a great starting point because they will contain enough familiar features.

When you are ready to expand, or need to leave that app.

Give us a call to help you pull down the data that you need.

“When it comes to innovation, an ounce of execution is worth more than a ton of theory.”

Phil McKinney

That beginning data is one of the most powerful things to research and gain insights about your growing business. It is valuable and is the go-forward key to your next business expansion blueprint.

Grab a cuppa, pick up the phone and call me today!

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