4 simple things to make your bookkeeping life easier

Looking for less hassles? Alignment.

4 simple things to make your bookkeeping life easier begin with remembering to figure support costs into your bookkeeping budget because easy bookkeeping happens when all your processes behind the scenes are aligned. Managing the back-end becomes so much easier. Some accounting software provides fee-based support by email or phone (MYOB, XERO, Quicken and a few others) from the moment you start to use it.

However look for those who have free online user forum where you ask questions as well! This is useful when you have a start-up question about something simple, like how to use a feature.

4 simple things to look for in your software

Does your bank support it? Being able to download transactions from your bank saves a lot of time, so check what type of download format your bank does.

Does it run exclusively in the cloud (online) or installed? Online runs securely through a web browser. What happens when you have no connection? Online is especially convenient for accessing your data from multiple computers. But, make sure when you do connect online that any offline information is synced up to your online database.

Can access be restricted? User role management is important. One person may need access to all functions, but others may only need to access the data areas and not reports.

How many unnecessary features does it have? No matter how irresistible the extra whistles are, resist the temptation to buy it all upfront. As your business grows then introduce the features. For smaller businesses there are enough reports in the basic ones.

“There is no greater thing you can do with your life and your work than follow your passions – in a way that serves the world and you.” 

Richard Branson

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