Our World Oceans Day
Thank you for reading this newsletter about our efforts to make a difference to world oceans day.
We love the ocean! Indeed it’s in our name! So as a small business, what can we do that would make a difference to the ocean?
Plenty of ideas abound, thank you for the full suggestion box!
Voila! The one to be implemented for 2023 is to change all our sunscreens for everyone!
When you go outside (you have seen Deb’s annual Efedex face!), all sunscreens in use in our business are to be ocean-safe sunscreen.
This type of sunscreen is very gentle on the reef and all who visit it. But when we wash our sunscreen off inside, it also goes down the water system, eventually finding its way out into our beautiful bay.
So instead of Porque no Los dos, let’s change to 100% ocean-safe sunscreen for all activity!
Episode 18 comic is brought to you by Clear2sea System Solutions – QLD: