The ESG Tickler – Episode 64

Regeneration never sleeps.

Many discussions and thoughts were had about the timing of this edition. What topics would be covered, who will do the research, where will the outcome lead, when should this episode be released, and why does it matter to you, the readers?

Let’s look at the how. How usually means in what way or to what extent. Providing this answer via applying accounting policies is accounting in its purest form.

Accounting is many things to many people. Obviously, do the sums relate to the topic, the ethics relate to the outcome or the legal to the expectations.

Sadly, this is the last episode of The ESG Tickler, so with no further to be said:


Ilum – Tax time planning with great outcomes


How can tax be a great outcome? Living in Australia is great and knowing the tax system timing helps all businesses large and small operate a cashflow plan smoothly without worrying about one or the other. Smooth out timing to win.

By having a chat with a tax agent, you gain access to the timing of all. Once you have the timing, then put that in your cashflow plan to help save for the expensive times and earn a little extra money along the way.

No cashflow plan? Ok, here are some of the key items to draft one up.

Cashflow plan

History helps define your future income, but unless you are on wages or a constant contract it can be a bit tough to work out. Constant contracts are a good heading starting point. Make a brief series of headings down the left of a page that describe your key income areas. Like Constant contracts or Referrals, Advertising sales etc.

Write the months of income across the top of the page. Next comes the tough bit.

Tough bit

Own your expenditure. Did you know this section also reveals your attitudes and spending towards sustainability, biodiversity, investment in plant and equipment to run your business, renewables, employee spending and investment in your community.

Who would have thought expenditure reveals so much about a business. Why does this matter? Selling your business once you have built it up, or handing it on to your children? Succession planning is something to put in every annual cashflow plan. Not only does insurance spending reveal your risk coverage. Future purchasers or planners are always keen to see how profitable a business is.

Objective summary

This cashflow plan segment wraps it all together neatly. Income less expenditure equals your cashflow during the month. Add another line for how much is owed to you and how much do you owe. By understanding your cashflow plan, when you look at your accounting reports, they will show you ways to adjust your business and widen a smile.

Planning has great outcomes, including tax planning. Give it a go!

Are you enjoying our short cartoons? You can help us to pay it forward by grabbing yours to add a touch of irony or humour to your next toolbox or in-house sensitive or complex topic. We sourced ours from The Masked Comic.

We hope you’re enjoying our Illum jottings, just a note though. The information provided here is intended for general informational and educational purposes only. While we aim for accuracy, we can’t guarantee that this content will apply to your specific situation—everyone’s circumstances are unique.

Illum’s is not a substitute for personalized advice from a qualified accountant, tax advisor, or any other professional. If you have questions specific to your individual circumstances, we strongly recommend consulting a professional for tailored advice.

The ESG Tickler – Episode 63

Regeneration never sleeps.

Episode 63 discusses the representation of environmental benefits in capital planning. Valuing all environmental benefits is an important and careful measure, whether in a report or a pitch for capital spending to investors.

Benefits, undoubtedly, are challenging to define, let alone cost. Capital spending is a strategic, long-term consideration for any business. The investment is aimed at delivering favorable financial outcomes for the shareholders, while also minimizing the environmental impact.

Environmental items are many. Timber is used in many forms, from paper to construction. Pollinators have many uses, from food production to peaceful downtime zones. Forests and gardens generate chemicals with good and not-so-good outcomes depending on their mix. Wetlands, settling ponds, and waterfalls steer floods, habitat, food, and recreation for all. Water and air reticulation are monitorable for quality, and purchased inputs are assessed for greenhouse gas estimates.

Costing is substantiated with known historic data and a rigorous, scientific approach to mathematical calculations. The capital asset encompasses costs from various sources, to maintain the attractiveness of the financial investment. Capital planning is a multifaceted process.

Episode 63 is about capital planning key benefits used by Willy.
Episode 63

Are you enjoying our cartoons? Save time and grab some cheeky characters for your updates and newsletters here from The Masked Comic.


We hope you’re enjoying our The ESG Tickler jottings, just a note though. The information provided here is intended for general informational and educational purposes only. While we aim for accuracy, we can’t guarantee that this content will apply to your specific situation—everyone’s circumstances are unique.

The ESG Tickler is not a substitute for personalized advice from a qualified accountant, tax advisor, or any other professional. If you have questions specific to your individual circumstances, we strongly recommend consulting a professional for tailored advice.

Ilum – Capital budgeting and future planning


Capital budgeting core is to evaluate the feasibility of a new long-term use of an idea. Future plans involve actual and perception costs.

Accountants listen carefully to the many inputs to begin capital budgeting. That capital budget plan is founded in the seeds of an idea from research and development activity in a business. The activity may or may not be formalised. Nimble responses to market development can make or break a small business.

When a plan of any idea is developed, it always is best to include the accountants at the beginning. Why? Investment is not always about profitability margin. Sure, that is very important in business. So is community perception which drives the purchasing of the idea.

Accountants not only will apply costs of developing an idea. They will apply contingency cost to the unexpected consequence of an idea that simply is not a great fit to the community perception. In the keenness to get a launch up and running and ahead of the opposition, lack of a fully costed plan is akin leads to many unintended outcomes.

Give creating a plan with accountants a go, you never know!

Capital budgeting considers all use costs in an idea.
Do we follow the lights on the map

Are you enjoying our short cartoons? You can help us to pay it forward by grabbing yours to add a touch of irony or humour to your next toolbox or in-house sensitive or complex topic. We sourced ours from The Masked Comic.

We hope you’re enjoying our Illum jottings, just a note though. The information provided here is intended for general informational and educational purposes only. While we aim for accuracy, we can’t guarantee that this content will apply to your specific situation—everyone’s circumstances are unique.

Illum’s is not a substitute for personalized advice from a qualified accountant, tax advisor, or any other professional. If you have questions specific to your individual circumstances, we strongly recommend consulting a professional for tailored advice.

THE ESG TICKLER – Episode 61

Regeneration never sleeps.

Episode 61 discusses two capital investment outcomes used in an ESG report. Not-for-profits have several duty-of-care challenges, including using surplus funds balanced with the need to attract continual investment.

Fauna interaction with human expansion generally needs a better sustainability outcome. Efforts to support and maintain healthy fauna populations are a consideration. Yet the existence of the fauna also creates sales opportunities for human activity.

Accounting for capital investment and ESG reporting covers many eventualities for the team.

Are you enjoying our cartoons? Save time and grab some cheeky characters for your updates and newsletters here from The Masked Comic.

We hope you’re enjoying our The ESG Tickler jottings, just a note though. The information provided here is intended for general informational and educational purposes only. While we aim for accuracy, we can’t guarantee that this content will apply to your specific situation—everyone’s circumstances are unique.

The ESG Tickler is not a substitute for personalized advice from a qualified accountant, tax advisor, or any other professional. If you have questions specific to your individual circumstances, we strongly recommend consulting a professional for tailored advice.

Illum – Capital budgeting and careful purchasing


Capital budgeting, careful purchasing, and single-source dependency risks shape business success.

Purchasing for the future. Capital budgeting offers an objective view into the inputs of running a business. Reducing expenditure on asset maintenance or replacement is an early flag of the loss of culture and depletion.

Raw inputs fail under degradation conditions. It is essential to choose critical purchases carefully. Cultural change to hide degradation below the surface carries high failover risks.
Professional accountants are highly experienced and understand planned obsolescence.

The weaknesses bring a different valuation to the future of the whole business model.
When markets innovate to suit a new concept, supplier pressure arrives. Single-source dependency leads to rising costs from many points as the end game must maintain its inputs to prevent failover.

Socially savvy businesses measure social costs as an effective means of gaining more sales at the risk of using a weak capital item and running the risk of exposure in the ESG report.

Are you enjoying our short cartoons? You can help us to pay it forward by grabbing yours to add a touch of irony or humour to your next toolbox or in-house sensitive or complex topic. We sourced ours from The Masked Comic.

We hope you’re enjoying our Illum jottings, just a note though. The information provided here is intended for general informational and educational purposes only. While we aim for accuracy, we can’t guarantee that this content will apply to your specific situation—everyone’s circumstances are unique.

Illum’s is not a substitute for personalized advice from a qualified accountant, tax advisor, or any other professional. If you have questions specific to your individual circumstances, we strongly recommend consulting a professional for tailored advice.

THE ESG TICKLER – Episode 57

Regeneration never sleeps.

Episode 57 creates confusion in the team. Discussing carbon neutrality, survival needs, and climate change in our business context. Striving for carbon neutrality at times is at odds with the business’s purpose.

The team’s work activities are crucial in creating a safe environment for all. However, there are moments when these activities conflict with the basic need for survival, much like the climate’s own struggle.

Is climate change all about making a safe and comfortable living space for them without other inhabitants? Although there are no choices in how some items are built and accounted for, if a judgment is involved, so is explanation.

Are you enjoying our cartoons? Save time and grab some cheeky characters for your updates and newsletters here from The Masked Comic.

We hope you’re enjoying our The ESG Tickler jottings, just a note though. The information provided here is intended for general informational and educational purposes only. While we aim for accuracy, we can’t guarantee that this content will apply to your specific situation—everyone’s circumstances are unique.

The ESG Tickler is not a substitute for personalized advice from a qualified accountant, tax advisor, or any other professional. If you have questions specific to your individual circumstances, we strongly recommend consulting a professional for tailored advice.

Illum – Safety and fun accounting


High-risk safety activity and high insurance premiums are an unavoidable correlation. Self-insuring is a strategy when a set sum of money provides for the eventuality. Fun in the workplace is an expensive element for investors, owners and management. This element is taken seriously for safety and fun to coexist.

Providing health treatment is a costly medical debt risk. Unexpected pain points arrive when the gap between insurance benefits and medical debt widens. Professional accountants understand the factors behind different expense elements, insurance types to calculate your business inputs.

The continuous monitoring of business risk and its associated cost elements. Enables margins and sales to be maintained. That is a massive benefit to businesses continuously operating in the inexperienced workforce sectors.

Self-reliance is a calculated gamble based on many factors in business and community cultural attitudes, which can affect policy adherence to operating production.

Are you enjoying our short cartoons? You can help us to pay it forward by grabbing yours to add a touch of irony or humour to your next toolbox or in-house sensitive or complex topic. We sourced ours from The Masked Comic.

We hope you’re enjoying our Illum jottings, just a note though. The information provided here is intended for general informational and educational purposes only. While we aim for accuracy, we can’t guarantee that this content will apply to your specific situation—everyone’s circumstances are unique.

Illum’s is not a substitute for personalized advice from a qualified accountant, tax advisor, or any other professional. If you have questions specific to your individual circumstances, we strongly recommend consulting a professional for tailored advice.

THE ESG TICKLER – Episode 54

Regeneration never sleeps.

Episode 54 begins with the accounting changes the team must introduce into the financial statement reporting from 1 January 2024.

Classifying liabilities affects clients through their reporting to the government, investors and credit lenders. In tight times, the ability to defer finance affects many ratios used to supply credit or assess business worth.

Explaining items is a necessity in episode 54. The explanation must comply with technical accounting rules and non-technical reporting. Accounting is the language of business and one element of a whole of business story on its financial condition and achievements. The achievements cover the businesses footprint in the environment, social activity and how it is governed.

This story helps people from all walks of life to invest, purchase or sell to the business.

Are you enjoying our cartoons? Save time and grab some cheeky characters for your updates and newsletters here from The Masked Comic.

We hope you’re enjoying our The ESG Tickler jottings, just a note though. The information provided here is intended for general informational and educational purposes only. While we aim for accuracy, we can’t guarantee that this content will apply to your specific situation—everyone’s circumstances are unique.

The ESG Tickler is not a substitute for personalized advice from a qualified accountant, tax advisor, or any other professional. If you have questions specific to your individual circumstances, we strongly recommend consulting a professional for tailored advice.

Illum – New sales supply and demand


Sales sourced from new produce is a potential social advantage requiring value measurement between offering to customers, tastes and margin at source and endpoint.

New sales from limited resources have potential hidden costs that affect concept viability. By taking advantage of readily available produce or services from local communities. Authentic experiences within the counterbalance of supply and demand create margin.

Achieving cultural diversity with produce is a measurement that professional accountants’ measurement experience aids business owners and community benefits calculations in ESG reporting.

Valuing diversity measurements enables sales volume and growth to stay ahead of trends whilst introducing successful innovations.

Different supply, purchasing and delivery processes combine to provide a net measurement to tell a story within delivered proportions.

Are you enjoying our short cartoons? You can help us to pay it forward by grabbing yours to add a touch of irony or humour to your next toolbox or in-house sensitive or complex topic. We sourced ours from The Masked Comic.

We hope you’re enjoying our Illum jottings, just a note though. The information provided here is intended for general informational and educational purposes only. While we aim for accuracy, we can’t guarantee that this content will apply to your specific situation—everyone’s circumstances are unique.

Illum’s is not a substitute for personalized advice from a qualified accountant, tax advisor, or any other professional. If you have questions specific to your individual circumstances, we strongly recommend consulting a professional for tailored advice.