Ilum – Cost of living and small business support for digital tools are vital concerns for revenue growth.


Digitally advanced SMEs have a higher potential for revenue growth, thanks to the benefit of digital tools and strategies.

By interacting with customers at their source, aka mobile phones and other electronic devices, a digitally advanced SME can enhance customer experience.

For instance, e-commerce platforms help customers select goods and services, while digital payment systems provide quick and simple payment options in return. That is the theory at least.

In our digital age, outstanding customer service is a prerequisite for successful browsing and pre-ordering from your shop front.

While announced by the government and not yet passed, technology, skills, and training boosts will assist SMEs in preparing and delivering an outstanding customer experience.

While digital advancement offers numerous benefits, it also presents challenges. Slow service, the inability to source ordered goods out of the storage area, slow courier / postal service, and customers receiving spam messages and other hate attacks by cyber terrorists are some of the issues that can arise. However, with proper planning and appropriate digital tools, SMEs effectively manage the delivery of a superior customer experience.

Associated suppliers also play an essential role in an SMEs whole-of-business model. By providing boosts to SME businesses, most of the benefits afforded by digital tools create a pleasant customer experience.

Whoever in your team, including those associated SMEs, services your inbound and outbound costs of doing business. Increasing revenue by enhancing digital tools is a valuable item.

Billy sees another seed mix and wants it in his seed bowl.

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We hope you’re enjoying our Illum jottings, just a note though. The information provided here is intended for general informational and educational purposes only. While we aim for accuracy, we can’t guarantee that this content will apply to your specific situation—everyone’s circumstances are unique.

Illum’s is not a substitute for personalized advice from a qualified accountant, tax advisor, or any other professional. If you have questions specific to your individual circumstances, we strongly recommend consulting a professional for tailored advice.

Key takeaways from our 2021/22 ESG report

How we’re working to create a safe, healthy and sustainable future for everyone, everywhere

In August, along with our sister brands we launched our 2021/2022 Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) Report. Because you do not have to be a massive business to work towards a safe, healthy and sustainable future for everyone, everywhere.

Over the past year, we challenged ourselves to make ambitious yet practical commitments within each of our ESG focus areas.

  • Expanding access to accounting AI through supporting research and acknowledging experience
  • Developing and rewarding a diverse workforce
  • Protecting the environment and operating sustainably
  • Operating with the highest standards of ethics and values.

Here are the highlights from our ESG report:

Would you like to do ESG report? It is not hard. Contact us.

Disaster Recovery for delays and rollout

Recovery Dots

We are familiar with time tracking, quoting and estimations to manage disasters and delays throughout a rollout. Blow-outs happen. Sometimes the best intentions can cloud a project’s objectives or mission when a subtle change in view occurs, or someone thinks the way they have done it before is quicker, smarter, newer, or sharper than the stepped project plan and the integrated disaster recovery plan.

Indeed, it may have been successful, or unbeknown to them; they may have been moved onwards to another project to allow recovery.
Preventing delays sometimes requires endless meetings and discussions on project deadlines and a realistic timetable. Keeping things genuine with the best decisions without a realistic timeframe will let slippages visit.

Occasionally a project rollout might fall behind when a team member leaves for various reasons. Project Managers must be across a dictionary of factors, but setbacks and delays happen.

Here is a story from the archives (*names changed).

Martin worked as a system administrator. It was a small and effective team who kept the programs and security as tight as they could. They failed to have a disaster recovery plan because they thought they were the disaster recovery team—a team without a plan.

Martin’s responsibilities included maintaining computers and keeping the assorted software up to date. He also viewed the security log daily for out-of-hours activity. Martin backed up the files daily and stored them in the company safe. Martin typically worked 3 hours after hours. One afternoon, a reasonably new hire, John, asked Martin to help him install the software. John showed Martin the fully signed appropriation, and John could see the approval on his logs. Martin asked John what the software did so he could record it in the software diary. John replied that it was business analysis software and produced great radar charts for his work. Martin needed to temporarily disable the security system to install the software for John. Later that evening, Martin had some challenges with the backup, but eventually, it ran okay.

What happened?

A few days later, Martin’s boss called and said he could not find his work files. A few minutes later, the sales manager, Linda, could not find hers. Then the accountant rang and said the stocktake froze. Everyone looked at Martin. He immediately went to his computer to check the security system. It was running on one server only. A user with the nickname j_oo3a erased all files on the primary server. It was John.

Martin restored the backup from 24 hours before. All sales data needed reinstatement, and the stocktake restarted. Martin returned to the boss’s office and reported. It turned out that John was walked out by the boss the day before because he said he accepted a role with their competitors. John took commercial information. Martin suddenly realised the installed program would allow this to happen repeatedly.
Martin’s boss logged the project delay and called their internal audit team, who reviewed Martin’s review before installing the software. It had ticked all the boxes, and Martin had correctly followed the steps. So how did this happen so quickly?

If it had been in place, the disaster recovery plan would have subtly altered the timing of Martin’s backup checks.

We help businesses, big and small, with writing disaster recovery plans. When combined, our wide variety of experiences pulls together many fine details.

It is not as costly as you may think. Compared with the cyber security reporting and recovery actions that Martin’s management then had to enact because of the possibility of the client’s data primary being breached.

Contact us to have a chat about getting your own disaster recovery plan written by an experienced independent set of eyes.

Best features for on-the-job invoicing and quoting apps for iPhone and Android

We all do it, a quick note no matter how many apps we have!

Jot it, work it, Prov3-IT!

Below are some common features you’ll find in many quoting and estimating apps, whether for iPhone, iPad or Android. Although that there are few apps that can “do it all”—you’ll likely need to find a couple that fit your needs.

Useful App inclusions

Conversion toolsPerform standard mathematical conversions you need to make while on the job. These conversion tools typically cover everything from simple temperature conversions to more complicated maths conversions.
CalculatorsSpecially designed with the app user in mind, these calculate many things from finance interest rates to voltage drops or tide flow.
Reference guides“Cheat sheets” for all. Some apps include handy reference guides for when you’re not sure about a particular formula or need to brush up on, for example, tax lodgment dates or even Ohm’s Law.
Document controlImport documents for viewing in the app, such as PDFs of technical documents, invoices or diagrams.
EstimatingQuickly calculate job estimates that account for labor, time and materials involved.
DiagramsDraw up new diagrams or examine how existing diagrams work. Some apps will allow you to import diagrams and export them to a variety of different file types for use with other software platforms.
Are you a compliance officer? We have own in-house patented method “Do2c” which builds the key support for your decisions and follow-up reports before you need to send someone “on-the-job”.

Whether you use an industry app or the supplied franchise app in your business. They are a great starting point because they will contain enough familiar features.

When you are ready to expand, or need to leave that app.

Give us a call to help you pull down the data that you need.

“When it comes to innovation, an ounce of execution is worth more than a ton of theory.”

Phil McKinney

That beginning data is one of the most powerful things to research and gain insights about your growing business. It is valuable and is the go-forward key to your next business expansion blueprint.

Grab a cuppa, pick up the phone and call me today!

Lets chat! 0439 077 187