Greening finance and the necessary segments in your business is a sustainable activity demonstrated by increased efficiency and spending less money. Greening finance data takes your accounting into the future by questioning the inputs your company uses to deliver your product.
Sustainability is a multi-layered topic. Where do you begin?
Managing internal controls governance with your budget is a big step. It is easier for big companies with dedicated internal control specialists and consultants; however, a one-size-fits-all approach rarely works.
Reviewing your business’s carbon footprint by setting up green data reporting is the first step of many. This focus starts with energy inputs to show cost peaks and troughs.
Implementing controlled self-assessments is another. Employees when asked to review their work and challenge the green aspects, often commence subtle changes that make a difference to bring results.
Debra (our Principal) said: “We make sustainability practical for every small business owner. It was also important for us to be useful for SMEs and mid-sized Governance Managers, as we understand the budget constraints. That’s why we created the Prov3-IT accounting internal controls review. The review shows small business owners how to use green finance data and use that information to value change. Checks are executed at their own time and pace. We also look at other business areas to identify the quick wins and design a long-term plan to create a budget that considers available capital and risk comfort levels.”
Building a sustainable internal controls program isn’t just about getting all points in your supply chain to tick boxes and follow procedures. The program values the areas where efficiency, sustainability and capital investment intersect.
Should you do it alone or bring in a consultant?
With over 30 years of experience creating auditable internal controls, Prov3-IT developed into a review for engineering, manufacturing, transport and distribution, accounting, and future budget planning.
Prov3-IT is a framework that you can complete in your own time. Or be comprehensive and helpful for many executives in your business. Whether we do the internal audit for you, or review your current program. Validation supports your historical and forward planning. Unlock the future in your business today.
Positive thinking is how you think about a problem. Enthusiasm is how you feel about a problem. And the two together determine what you do about a problem.
Norman Vincent Peale
Do 2 c is a quick evidence system. It is the heart of Clear2sea System Solutions service. Connecting the dots in your business is quite useful for growth and restructure. Do2c affirms the facts behind the choices that you have made. You can master life’s toughest challenges without skipping a heart beat when the curveball arrives.
Like an enormous map, the outline of a project lay sharp and clear on a bright December summer day. From the window kids were playing cricket, up the hallway smells of delicious cooking were wafting in, on the wall hung awards of merit and family photo’s of good times.
The man behind the desk was clearly worried and the concerned look on his face underscored his thoughts. “Sometimes I wish I could just walk away from my responsibility for the people in this place,” he said. “Being the one to have all the answers can be a headache, believe me. Disagreements over something silly, stall great projects. To have the future destiny of people in my hands is something I do not enjoy at all.”
“But their destiny is not really in your hands,” I countered. “In the final analysis every turning point is in their hands. But I understand your problem, for you do indeed have to make decisions concerning people that affect the future of their family and them.”
“And, that’s why you’re here,” he replied, “its about my most trusted employee who manages our processes. This is one of the most painful decisions I have ever had to make about a team, and I need your help.” I assured him that my help was available but it was not clear to me, given I knew nothing of the business problems involved.
“But you see, its not entirely a business problem; primarily its a workflow problem. As a matter of fact, I have to start a new project in 3 months. However last time, the cost overrun was blamed on the most reliable piece of the business. How effective the guys can be gives me great concern. You see, he continued, ” there will be opening in the business within the year, and they are the logical choice. I’ve wrestled with my conscience, and in all fairness to the company, I cannot recommend them again. So I’m hoping your business concept might shed some light and, incidentally, I realize this is a huge task in a short time.”
“What needs to be done?” I asked. “Were they just let down by a machine. I can’t imagine anything wrong with a reliable machine, except perhaps that at times it is being misused or used at the wrong time.”
“That’s just it,” he exclaimed. “It is serviced, in survey and ticks all boxes. The team is well trained but perhaps lack drive and vitality.” he continued “If we could high-level map the process and line-up the standard operating procedure for that machine, they’d be the team for the job without more training.” The current procedure is over 100 pages.
“In 3 months time?” I asked. “3 months yes indeed, can you do it in 1?” he replied.
I was lost in thought, for this was a real problem. “Yes,” I replied.
Just then it occurred to me that one of the greatest human needs of our time is a weapon to fight voluminous work manuals and rules.
Common policy is created by common minds to create common procedures and common methods. However years of experience have taught an important concept. Which is common minds are remarkably uncommon.
Do 2 c is a method to place the impacts created by common minds and common systems. Do 2 c is an aid to forecast stop-points and consider alternatives. Because everyone has critical thinking skills. Its just that sometimes a deviation from an otherwise common mind can make a task become very expensive.
But now I want to talk about business, team enthusiasm and observation significance to you. Over many years of people observation in the workplace. The best workers are motivated by enthusiasm. Which is supported by informed easy to understand steps.
Back in the day, Sir Edward V. Appleton, the Scottish physicist whose scientific discoveries made possible worldwide broadcasting and won him a Nobel prize, was asked for the secret of his achievements. “It was enthusiasm.”
Enthusiasm and fire are related in a way. Fire must be under control, which is the only type of fire that counts. A informed enthusiast can keep cool, and follow process including the remedy when things go wrong.
So the process must be seen. This informs the reader when they need it. Because stop-points, deviations, twists and turns have many reasons. All are supportable reasons. A great business report will take into account different geography, environment and scientific data. Also costs are tidied by linking the report to a accounting forecast.
However without a map to connect the process to the standard operating procedure. The standard operating procedure is akin to a uncontrollable fire. Like any powerful force, uncontrolled enthusiasm to meet a reason can destroy, just as controlled enthusiasm can create.
Clear2sea System Solutions works closely with you and your team to provide the answers you need at a cost you can afford. Connect the dot now.
“Everything was so new – the whole idea of going into space was new and daring. There were no textbooks, so we had to write them.”
Katherine Johnson
A Parable: Creating a Stream
Adapted from an audio segment by Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author of “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”
A Spring Runs Dry
The story is told of a spring that ran dry in a small mountain village. The leaders gathered to determine how they would supply the village with clean water. There was another spring and reservoir about a mile away but was too far for the villagers to travel.
A business was created to solve the problem by carrying water into the village each morning for a set fee. Because the need for water was clear, the leaders agreed to the offer and determined a fair price for each bucket of water delivered.
Early the next morning the “bucket carrier” started and began transporting water. It was hard work, but with immediate sales for effort. Each day water was hurriedly carried. The more water that was delivered, the higher the sales.
As time went on, the business began to innovate. To save replacement costs and increase sales. Buckets were designed that could hold more water and were easier to transport. A quicker route between the reservoir and the village was found.
The problem was, despite all improvements, the bucket carrier still had to go to the spring each day to carry water.
A Better Solution?
Sometime later, another villager came forward with an offer to supply water. Because the village was growing and the continous noise from the transport begain to annoy the villagers. He planned to build a pipeline from the reservoir to the village.
The leaders were sceptical but eventually agreed to the competing plan. Especially since the new proposal would cost the villagers less for the same amount of water.
So, while the bucket carrier continued, pipeline work commenced.
The digging was tedious through the treacherous mountain terrain. The necessary tools and materials proved costly, and the task took many months.
Finally, the “pipeline builder” installed the last piece of pipe and ceremoniously opened the valve while a crowd gathered. Everyone cheered as they watched clean water flow into the village cistern.
How Things Changed!
The following day the two businesses worlds changed dramatically.
The bucket carrier had to lower prices significantly to remain competitive. The model was unsustainable.
The pipeline builder, however, began enjoying the investment. The long days of work were complete and the pipeline generated income with minimal maintenance.
Years Later
Many years later, after both business owners had died, the pipeline was still an integral part of village life.
Bucket Carrier
Pipeline Builder
System addressed one part of the issue
Owns a system
Income Type
Linear Income
Ongoing Income
Continuous equipment upgrades and innovation
Continuous maintenance
Time Poverty
Time Freedom
Immediate gratification (Sales per delivery)
Delayed Gratification (Return on capital investment)
Any one point of pain solution
Author, Inventor, Artist, Owner, Entrepreneur, SME etc
Consider maintaining your pipeline…
It doesn’t matter how efficient you are at “carrying water” Nor does it matter the size of your workforce or volume of apps, or accounting packages. Multiple connection points create a moving parts risk to keep your business reporting operating efficiently and effectively.