How can tax be a great outcome? Living in Australia is great and knowing the tax system timing helps all businesses large and small operate a cashflow plan smoothly without worrying about one or the other. Smooth out timing to win.
By having a chat with a tax agent, you gain access to the timing of all. Once you have the timing, then put that in your cashflow plan to help save for the expensive times and earn a little extra money along the way.
No cashflow plan? Ok, here are some of the key items to draft one up.
Cashflow plan
History helps define your future income, but unless you are on wages or a constant contract it can be a bit tough to work out. Constant contracts are a good heading starting point. Make a brief series of headings down the left of a page that describe your key income areas. Like Constant contracts or Referrals, Advertising sales etc.
Write the months of income across the top of the page. Next comes the tough bit.
Tough bit
Own your expenditure. Did you know this section also reveals your attitudes and spending towards sustainability, biodiversity, investment in plant and equipment to run your business, renewables, employee spending and investment in your community.

Who would have thought expenditure reveals so much about a business. Why does this matter? Selling your business once you have built it up, or handing it on to your children? Succession planning is something to put in every annual cashflow plan. Not only does insurance spending reveal your risk coverage. Future purchasers or planners are always keen to see how profitable a business is.
Objective summary
This cashflow plan segment wraps it all together neatly. Income less expenditure equals your cashflow during the month. Add another line for how much is owed to you and how much do you owe. By understanding your cashflow plan, when you look at your accounting reports, they will show you ways to adjust your business and widen a smile.
Planning has great outcomes, including tax planning. Give it a go!
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We hope you’re enjoying our Illum jottings, just a note though. The information provided here is intended for general informational and educational purposes only. While we aim for accuracy, we can’t guarantee that this content will apply to your specific situation—everyone’s circumstances are unique.
Illum’s is not a substitute for personalized advice from a qualified accountant, tax advisor, or any other professional. If you have questions specific to your individual circumstances, we strongly recommend consulting a professional for tailored advice.