Isn’t it great when a accounting module can also be used for a purpose that it was not really designed for! Well, yes and no.
A group of people needed to be paid small amounts either once-off or two or three times a year. It depended on the sports season.
Setting up payment cards, and keying in invoices then matching the cash payment was not really sensible or practical and that ruled out the Accounts Payable module.
It was necessary thou to record their names, store their bank account numbers and their unique identification number. So the reporting for a few different reasons could be done.
Of course they thought, use the Payroll module it’s paying them! This worked just fine, until the taxation regulations changed. All of a sudden this group of hobbyists had entered the realm of 2nd or 3rd jobs and taxable income! In today’s push button and report data environment, some things are quite legitimately “not-reportable”.
Much thought was occurring about what to do! Many costings were prepared and alternative solutions discussed.
Fortunately, many years before, some work was done for them. And, in frustration the treasurer picked up the phone and called.
A quick remedy blueprint was sketched out. The change needed became quite clear much to everyone’s relief!
Not all solutions are as quick as this one, but as much as possible, our experience will cut thru and untangle what you need.