“To make all ideas reality”
we have yet to see a set of facts to which there is not a solution. perhaps some cannot be changed and that is fine. but maybe they can be by-passed or woven into a new pattern that re-adjusts the strategy to give the solution that is sought.
clear2sea system solutions was created in 2013. it was conceived as an accounting practice structured to blueprint business systems, governance and accounting datasets to solve communication and reporting challenges within imposed by preconceived mediums that generally limit traditional practices. our enthusiasm in a difficult situation is the important factor in its solution.
our solution has always been that the solution should dictate the system. building upon that, clear2sea system solutions was created NOT to be a taxation, financial planning, bookkeeping firm; yet we have provided all of that over the past 30 years and more.
not all businesses need to employ an business consultant, purser, accountant, tax practitioner or risk manager full-time. we do all that if you need. we specialise in short jobs to create the system you want. placing maximum efficiency in your business design before you outlay for new or extra services. see how to turn-around your business with targeted or stepped action plans even if you have it all. test with us.
clear2sea system solutions is a true 360 degree firm. the company was created to focus on what was so desperately needed….a singular voice that understands business system design through all forms of communication. so passionately do we believe in design we sought and received a granted innovation patent for our core element. do2c.
to view our services, click through the menu pages with hints and real case-studies. to enjoy our passion no matter your business size because our modular structure and strategic partnerships have ensured the efficiency of our operations and the vastness of our capabilities.
there is no house-style at clear2sea system solutions. as a matter of principle, we frown upon “house-styles,” trends, and even the use of fashion as a surface tool. if there is any observable style amongst projects, it is purely a result of solutions from specific ideas. each character will have its own set of nuances, memories, cues, secrets and intricacies. our role, first and foremost, is to understand, and only then to excavate the most relevant aspects, and transcend them for future generations to appreciate. we maximise the web to create your in-house intranet to your specifications. smart controlled information wins.
great business design ensures you pay less, avoid penalty and get what you want. our methods are backed by a granted innovation patent. does your existing provider have that? to provide true independence we hold no business borrowings or alliances. our practice focus is design always, first and foremost. because great business system blueprint design highlights opportunities and lets you see deviations before they sneak in.
is clear2sea system solutions the right match for you? the answer is yes… and no. we please our clients, not by unconditionally doing what we’re told, but by producing relevant work with results. if you are looking for a “partner” that will challenge your expectations and treat your brand, budget, and success as if it was their own, then the answer is yes. however, if you are looking for a “one-stop-shop or yes-sir vendor” that will treat any project by the size of its invoice, then the answer is no. independence means we can utilise all specialists as needed to deliver the best service to you.
if you are still reading this then we may indeed be a match made in heaven. given the advantages of our modular structure, no client is ever too small or too big. our founder has worked with multinational corporations and small start ups. our sole requirement for incoming clients and projects is that they are challenging and will remain open to new ideas. are you similar?
How we work
clear2sea system solutions was created not because we too wanted a practice, but because the practice we wanted didn’t exist. in other words, we wanted a think-tank with muscle, NOT an innovation hub. we are able to produce just about anything. it is perhaps too forward to say that clear2sea system solutions “knowledge, skills and foresight were invaluable in moving our company forward” or that “it is extremely comforting to have someone of her experience able to mobilised to lead controls reviews” unless of course such words were uttered by others, such as the executives of BlueScope Steel Australian Distribution & Solutions and National Safety Council of Australia – Queensland Division.
we indeed do see ourselves as different, not better or worse, but different. we are different in the way we approach challenges. our creative focus allows maximum use of the incisive knowledge that has been gained allowing us to parachute into any organisation. we have done all of this, and produced presentations and spoken at industry events. we have our intellectual work published.
our dream project would be a partnership with a brand were we are assigned to handle all mapping of process. we would like to strategically create all the related elements from inception to its achievements, or from its current state to its future growth.
find us a project where every aspect is seen to be managed under the same direction, from its naming and identity to its spaces, its product, its services, and finally its communication… and just maybe, trouble will have no place in such an endeavor