World Environment Day
Thanks for reading our newsletter for world environment day.
As a small but effective business, we can make changes that by themselves don’t seem much, or cost us much to implement.
Imagine if all the small businesses in the world changed one thing to reduce plastics in their business.
We all know plastics take forever to break down! Microplastics are in the ocean, being eaten by fish (and us). Given as the ocean efficiently breaks down the plastics into the smallest size that it can to make them useful for something down the track.
Our trash-to-treasure idea is to put all your disused, empty plastic pens in a specially marked bin near the shredder.
Then take them back to a stationery supplier who sends them off to a recycler. Our supplier does that.
Who knows, they could come back as a new pen!
Episode 17 comic is brought to you by Clear2sea System Solutions – QLD.